Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29th, 2012 - Wednesday - Worry

Our extra day this year is filled with worry. Fear. The ground is unstable. You might even get sick about it. Action is the key. Do something, anything. Get moving. Try telling people what you desire without being fearful. Being afraid of the future isn't getting you anywhere. Be like Morpheus, walking through the crowd. Be present to the now, and flow through the obstacles as they happen.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28th, 2012 - Tuesday - Luxury

Sometimes you pull a card and go... huh... that seems odd . This is one of those mornings. I call Luxury the Tom Mecham card after my friend who claimed it as his own at one point in his life. It's that point of overdoing it. You are indulging in your passion perhaps a little too much. The flow is so strong... it might be pushing you toward a kind of s...ticky indolence. You want your flow, your passion, you want your power, but you are overdoing it a bit. This path you are on LOOKS really great... but what you don't see is that there is a bit of excess going on... and things are about to turn on you. You want what you want, you want to be full... but eeks... it's going a bit further than is healthy. The words addiction... obsession... and even boredom... repeating the pattern. Today... shake it up a little and try something totally different. The cocoon you are in is NOT as safe and happy as you think it is.

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27th, 2012 - Monday - Princess of Disks

Pregnant.... YES! You are ready to give BIRTH! Something new... something fantastic is growing inside you, a dream, a destiny... creativity is flowing through you. Enjoy this moment. Lots of work is ahead, but right now, yes.... right now your 'dream' is growing inside you. It's time to say yes to this moment, to this dream, to this birth....

Friday, February 24, 2012

February 26th, 2012 - Sunday - Satiety

Success is coming, but it is delayed. Stay present in the moment and enjoy it. It is coming... so relax into that knowledge and don't worry that it didn't come yet today.

February 25th, 2012 - Saturday - Ace of Wands

I'll be out of town, so I'm doing the card a day ahead. Ace of Wands. Usually a very energetic go for it kind of day, but the cards warn the energy could flow the wrong direction today.

February 24th, 2012 - Friday - Knight of Cups

On your spiritual quest today, make sure you ground your dreams in a bit of reality. It might be tough, but dreaming needs to be grounded a bit sometimes.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23rd, 2012 - Thursday - The Empress

The message today comes in the form of a question: Are you overly defending your heart? Open. Open your heart. That is the message today.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22nd, 2012 - Wednesday - Princess of Cups

I was away at a David Deida intensive for a week, so I apologize for not doing the cards during that time. This catches us up! A day of dreaming and romance...a Pisces card. Flow into your dreams today, feel into the water and warm your essence with a little self love. Indulge yourself today and rest and relax and open your heart and let the feeling of your dreams penetrate you.

February 21st, 2012 - Tuesday - Queen of Cups

February 20th, 2012 - Monday - Failure

February 19th, 2012 - Sunday - Moon

February 18th, 2012 - Saturday - Sorrow

February 17th, 2012 - Friday - Disappointment

February 16th, 2012 - Thursday - Art

February 15th, 2012 - Wednesday - Victory

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 10th, 2012 - Friday - Indolence

a Cup card... the water is going bad today... I think this is a FRIDAY card! We're all ready for the weekend. The flowers are wilting, the water is getting stagnant. It's time to leave work and get MOVING this weekend, and get that emotional flow back to FLOWING. This is a Saturn Pisces card. We are all a little stuck today. Tired. Swampy! The real simple answer is MOVEMENT. Dance, walk, run, ride, hop or bounce.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8th, 2012 - Wednesday - Princess of Cups

Pisces card - A bit of mental obsession might be going on today... you might a bit out of touch with reality on some subject. Become aware of it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7th, 2012 - Tuesday - Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups is covered by the sign of Cancer, and is the combination of fire and water. This is the emotional quest card. See the knight? He's heading after the Holy Grail. As ...with all quests, you could be obsessive and compulsive about it, but not so much today. Today you are seeing clearly your quest, and going on it. Gird your loins. Mount your horse. Heft your sword . Head out into the wilderness, and begin you spiritual, emotional, physical quest. Whatever it is YOU see clearly to quest after... today is the day to take action in your quest.

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6th, 2012 - Monday - Lovers

Gemini Card - Be careful today to consider the concept of infatuation. The Lovers is a NEW LOVE card, a new thing, and while that can be great, the card does not necessarily indicate LASTING love. It's new. It could be the start of something wonderful, but the hint today is that it's actually more infatuation than it is long lasting love, and you ought to be very AWARE of that. You'll make better decisions that way. And it's not just LOVE... it's about anything new and shiny, could be a business deal, friendship, vacation plan, etc.

February 5th, 2012 - Sunday - Queen of Wands

Yes I'm a Day Behind! - Queen of Wands. Water and Fire. Energy. Is there a volcano about ready to blow? Your emotions could be building to the exploding point . This might be a good thing, letting go of a past mistake or wound, busting out of an old paradigm, or it might be a negative seed worming it's way out sideways.

February 4th, 2012 - Saturday - Cruelty

Self Explanatory - You will have the tendancy to be cruel today, either to yourself or others. A lot of times this takes the form of mental self abuse. You over think things and beat yourself up. Now you are warned... so don't do it. Also look into your situation and don't be cruel to yourself: This card suggests the possibility of staying in a bad situation of abuse when you should face your fear instead and go it alone. Time to pack up and leave. Try not to think too much today.

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3rd, 2012 - Friday - Disappointment

A cup card, which is primarily emotion and water. Things that looked so bright a day ago might not look so good today. The shine is fading a bit on what you are doing today. Some changes might be in order. You can see clearly now, and that might hurt. When we get clear, it often means we've stopped seeing the illusion, and that can hurt. People... and situations might not be as good as we thought, and we need to face that in order to grow. I feel the pain of that realization today, and urge acceptance as the path through the disapointment. If you rebuild the illusion you are going to be in real trouble. It's okay to accept your are disapointed and things aren't what you thought they were. This actually opens you up. Love through it.

February 2nd, 2012 - Thursday - The Hermit

February 1st, 2012 - Wednesday - Princess of Disks

I pulled the card but forgot to post it on Wednesday. So now I'm catching up. This i sthe Princess of Disks. A good earthy PREGNANT card. Solid and powerful. Protected, and protecting.

January 31st, 2012 - Tuesday - Satiety

LONG TERM GOODNESS. This is long term, deep, lasting, stablity and success. All good, all go ahead. A DEEP card (Thank you for that Michaela Boehm.) Not a wide one. :)