Friday, December 28, 2012

December 28th, 2012 - Friday - Magus Trickster

December 28th, 2012 - Friday - Magus Trickster - The mad monkey comes to us this Friday to tell us something special: A warning:  Things are not as they seem.  There is deception in the air.  You will be lied to, or  you will lie to yourself, today.  It's a great card, so clear.  Today you need to look for the lie, and be careful.  All that glitters is not gold.  If it seems too good to be true... yes, today you have been wonderful warned.  Watch.  All day.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27th, 2012 - Thursday - Princess of Disks

December 27th, 2012 - Thursday - Princess of Disks - Going from the Moon into the Princess of Disks... this card is about pregnancy and birth... so we had to face our fears yesterday, and pass through that final gate, the gateless gate, and here we are today giving birth to something new.  New stuff is happening today... it might be small, it might be big, but it's change for you and leading into something new.  Be calm in that center and allow the change to wash over you and let the process of change do it's work . Don't fight it.  That's the message today.  When the weird creature you are giving birth to today appears, let it do it's thing.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 26th, 2012 - Wednesday - The Moon

December 26th, 2012 - Wednesday - The Moon - Interesting card the day after Christmas.  The Moon.  The final gate.  The tests have all been passed but... you aren't home yet.  No one really is.  The Star was yesterday's card, and ironically enough, after hope comes the Moon directly in sequence.  Illusion and Deception.  What is this telling us?  Did we fool ourselves with our Christmas hopes?  As I wrote about the hope for yesterday's card I felt what hope is about.  Unfortunately hope is usually a 'gear' in the cog against fear.  We usually hope for things because we fear not having them.  It's a bit of a negative take on hope, but if you have pure faith and knowledge you would have no use for hope, would you?  Regardless, this card today is telling us to look past our fears.  It's like the answer is right in front of us.  Does anyone remember the second Indiana Jones movie?  Temple of Doom?  There is a scene where Indy and Shortround are in a chamber getting crushed by the slowly lowering ceiling.  Outside is the ditzy blond chick who can save them.  No problem, all she has to do is pull a lever.  Nothing else.  Just pull it.  Indy is screaming for her to pull it.  But... the lever is covered in bugs.  She's afraid of bugs.  Okay, she's TERRIFIED of bugs.  So to do what she needs to do, which is right in front of her, she has to pass through her fears and touch those bugs. Simple, right? Except she's TERRIFIED of those bugs.  Can't emphasize it enough.  And that is what the Moon is about.  Those damn bugs that terrify you.  And hope... damn... bad  news, isn't going to cut it.  You can't hope those bugs away.  You got to reach in and grab the lever and pull it.  Ah... but don't forget the Moon is water, and feminine change is what's it all about, so your fears are going to rotate and crop up like a plague.  Pass one and you find another layer.  The many layered onion of fears that we call a human. Personally, this card is a stumper.  It's telling you that the lever or the door is right in front of you, but you don't see it because of the bugs.  And so often I don't see that damn door even though I know it's there.  I don't even see the fears!  The fears are hidden in deception and illusion as much as the door.  This is one of those solo cards, it's you alone out there... facing your door, IF you can even see it.  The feminine is HUGE, it's the entire universe, and it's going to win in the end... it's going to kill you.  So that's ALWAYS the door through this card. Your death.  SHE is going to win.  She's going to murder you.   No escaping her chomping bitch jaws.  BUT... that's how you beat her.  You accept it, you see it, you become home with death.  You put death in your back pocket, or, you keep the bony bastard right on your shoulder and walk around with him today.  So the door is death, and the illusion masks your fear of it.  This card can make you feel insane.  Like you are no longer you.  Like you are not even real.... there is something special down there in the void of your soul.  But THAT is what we are afraid of, over and over again.

December, 25th, 2012 - Tuesday - The Star

December, 25th, 2012 - Tuesday - The Star - The perfect card for Christmas, a day when despite anything else that happens, deep in our hearts, we turn towards hope for something.  Whatever that may be., we feel it out there and believe it can happen.

Monday, December 24, 2012

December 24th, 2012 - Monday - Knight of Wands

December 24th, 2012 - Monday - Knight of Wands - It is a FIERY day today... the great warrior of the earth is surrounded by the Mighty Queen of Wands, and the Ace of Wands.  Energy... and look at this fellow grounded and watching the sun rise.  Mmmm.... He's got control of things, wouldn't you say?  He's got power, ease, and the world is fiery around him and... he's got it.  So do you.  Today. You GOT IT.

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17th, 2012 - Monday - Sorrow

December 17th, 2012 - Monday - Sorrow - Reversed, the 3 of SWORDS - This card tells us we are afraid to be alone today.  That feels like an 'odd' energy to me.  There is grief to be felt, and the universe will engineer delays so you can have time to heal by feeling your grief.  Hm... what an interesting card.  

December 16th, 2012 - Sunday - Prince of Wands

December 16th, 2012 - Prince of Wands - Slow down and look before you leap.  Which is a crazy ass card to get AFTER the Fool.  The Fool says you have leapt, and now this card says look BEFORE you leap.  I already leaped . WTF?  Something new to be careful of and since I'm filling in from behind I don't know what it was I was suppose to be slow about.  Ah... thinking about it, I realize it's about some aspect of my relationship with my wife!  :)

December 15th, 2012 - Saturday - The Fool

December 15th, 2012 - Saturday - The Fool - Starting something new and grand... and we did... we got a new Dog!  :)

December 14th, 2012 - Friday - Swiftness

December 14th, 2012 - Friday - Swiftness - Back home from Santa Monica and there are issues to be dealt with.  I think this was mostly the hustle and bustle of travel and coming home.

December 13th, 2012 - Thursday - Princess of Disks

December 13th, 2012 - Thursday - Princess of Disks - Ah... three days with David Deida and Michaela Boehm and you are ready to give birth to something.  You are full of life.  Creation of something new is at hand!

December 12th, 2012 - Wednesday - Prince of Swords

December 12th, 2012 - Wednesday - Prince of Swords - Erratic and unpredictable.  Over analyzing things can lead to trouble.  It will succeed as long as you get out of the way.

December 11th, 2012 - Tuesday - Success

First night in Santa Monica with David Deida and Michaela  Boehm! And it WAS a Success!

December 10th, 2012 - Monday - Princess of Wands

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 7th, 2012 - Friday - Power

December 7th, 2012 - Friday - Power - Strange card for a Friday... hmmm... yes?  I think of Friday as a day to relax and let go... but there is a lot of POWER in the air lately.  A lot of Ego Death... a lot of Ego Gratification... a lot of EVERYTHING.  Power on a Friday.  Why not?  Open and love into the Power.  Be powerful... love it... and do it with such an open heart that the death that flows through you and is coming to get you is an asset not a liability.  Death is perched on my shoulder, the bony bastard.  And he's enjoying this power trip. Hmmm.... LOVE with all the POWER you possess... yes?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6th, 2012 - Thursday - Satiety

December 6th, 2012 - Thursday - Satiety - Following the emotions on your quest yesterday is going to lead to long term success.  Wow.  The last two cards are a strong indicator to trust your feelings and begin your journey, your spiritual quest!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5th, 2012 - Wednesday - Knight of Cups

December 5th, 2012 - Wednesday - Knight of Cups - Allow your emotions to lead you on a spiritual quest today.  Today.. .the emotions are speaking true.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4th, 2012 - Tuesday - Ace of Wands

December 4th, 2012 - Tuesday - Ace of Wands - Here comes some ENERGY to help you start something new.... use this energy today to tear down your old walls and cut another chunk of waste out of your life.  The less you carry the more free you are to give your gifts today...

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3rd, 2012 - Monday - Art

December 3rd, 2012 - Monday - Art - Connect to your current higher context,  your purpose, and find strength in it to offer something to the world.  Give from your 'doing' today.

December 2nd, 2012 - Sunday - The Tower

December 2nd, 2012 - Sunday - The Tower - Hope followed by a simple tearing down and letting go...

December 1st, 2012 - Saturday - The Star

December 1st, 2012 - Saturday - The Star