Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16th, 2011 - Wednesday - Interference

Today the MIND could be interfering with the expansion of the soul. This is good information to know, because you can relax a little and just be a bit more observant. Check out how the mind complicates things . Put your thoughts down on paper, analyze them or leave them for later, and stay on target with manifesting your true wants. Let go of the details, and expand into what your soul wants.

We got it reversed this morning, so that means our mind is distracting us from the truth. Your mind is not your friend. Your mind has LIED to you... makes shit up all the time, and loves loves loves to exaggerate your weaknesses. Not to mention just hides your strengths and growth. Reversed this also means you could be interfered with EXTERNALLY. So someone is probably going to give you a headache today in the realm of THINKING. Other people's dramas, people putting you down, attacking you, trying to interfere with your manifesting of your desire.

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