Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6th, 2011 - Sunday - Bear Dreamer

It might be an introspective day. You know when the mystics go out into the wilderness? The sabatical. Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days, Buddha saying forget it and leaving and sitting under a tree. That kind of thing. You get quiet and go within. This is a break with culture, a break with other people. This is an inward journey ...of your own, by yourself, in the wilderness. You are a little boat on the ocean, with sharks circling you. You are alone. Go deep into the abyss, and your answers will not be the answers of your friends, family, church, culture. This will be your own intuitive impulse. Forget everyone else today. Forget politics, for world hunger, forget war. Go INSIDE. Deal with yourself today.

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