Friday, January 27, 2012

January 27th, 2012 - Friday - Knight of Disks

After a day in the moon shadow, we come back to solid ground with the message: Go back to work, slow and steady. I hope you all had fun with that moon, it was an interesting card and an interesting day. To be told you must move forward, face your fears, but that way is not clear... Today, we are back to being the strong, core, guided, masculine, and look at how the is looking off to the horizon: He knows where he's going. He has the vision. The clarity. The feminine encircles and protects him... he's rooted to the earth... he has power and vision... and I love that his horse is just relaxed, eating. The horse knows it's all okay. Good day to also remember your appreciation for those who you are protecting, guiding, and steadily serving, as they are helping you in return.

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