Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30th, 2012 - Monday - The Fool

No better way to say this than this: JUMP. Do it. Kill your ego, set yourself on fire, and leap! Go for it. GO ALL THE WAY.

April 29th, 2012 - Sunday - The Star

The Star - New Flow... new life... hope!

April 28th, 2012 - Saturday - Gain

Getting cluttered about money, too focused on finances.

Friday, April 27, 2012

April 27th, 2012 - Friday - Ace of Disks

So we had two days of completion, the Universe, gratitude, wrapping something BIG up... and now we are looking forward. Well... ABSOLUTELY. The Ace of Disks is MANIFESTATION. There is a NEW dream, some new labor, some new WORK. You really completed something from the Universe Cards, and you might think... I'm going to rest today. Nope. Not yet. You have a new direction, a new goal, and you are ALIGNED. You are ready to create something ON THIS EARTH. Let the balance of the previous accomplishment open you to what you need next, and what is INDICATED as the next step, and start that today... yes... even on a Friday.... :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 26th, 2012 - Thursday - The Universe

The Universe... AGAIN. Yes... something has ended and it's time to really celebrate. It might look way differently than you expected, but it's time to look back and admit you have really changed, grown, and overcome. But don't look back for long. A glance is all you need. Then it's ever FORWARD.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25th, 2012 - Wednesday - The Universe

Balance and completion, feeling out into the universe and being at one with it. Your journey is coming a to a close, it was right, it was good, and though it looked different than you expected, it is what was suppose to happen. Integration... oneness... right now no matter what happened offer gratitude. That will close the loop and start you over again on a new path.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24th, 2012 - Tuesday - Prince of Disks

We dam the river to make the lake to create energy. But today the energy of the river is threatening to bust open our dam and cause havoc. Find a way to let the river flow without flooding everyone.

April 23rd, 2012 - Monday - Queen of Swords

April 22nd, 2012 - Sunday - Success

April 21st, 2012 - Saturday - Science

April 20th, 2012 - Friday - Completion

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19th, 2012 - Thursday - Worry

Mercury Taurus - Little niggling things will come at you today, worries about this, worries about that. Worry happens every day, obviously, so what makes this day different? What you do with it. Today the card calls us to look through all the worries and examine yourself. SEE. See the things you are worrying about CLEARLY. See into yourself. Begin to look with sharp clarity and see honestly.

April 18th, 2012 - Wednesday - Strength

Some cards are straightforward. This is one of them. Focus and Direction are clear, with a wellspring of energy to call on as you move foward. Today you know what you want, you know where you are going, and you have the strength to get it. Let this strength seep through your mind, body, and soul, and entertain it's pulsing rhythm often.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17th, 2012 - Tuesday - The Emperor

The Aries Emperor sits on his throne and gazes out upon his newly aquired kingdom. There is a calm as he surveys his lush green lands and understands he has full and complete POWER. The sword has fallen, the k...ingdom awarded, and he expands into his space. Now the Emperor must rule... he has the wisdom of Michael, he has power of his Sword, he has taken the risk of Fortune and aquired his domain... now he must hold true to the TRUTH. Now he realizes he is responsible for his kingdom, and he must be willing to die for it. He must stand for the truth, no matter the consequences. Once again... with great power comes great great responsibility....

April 16th, 2012 - Monday - Ace of Swords

Cutting through with mental clarity. Emerging from behind the clouds to see clearly. Integrating knowledge with your higher self. The Archangel Michael is showing you patterns today that are being unlocked by the mind. Pay attention. This is a divine message.

April 15th, 2012 - Sunday - Power

Stable, solid, settled, powerful. Feel the earth under your feet. Feel your footsteps resonate down to the earth's core. Feel your divinity expand the heavens, feel your voice ripple for miles. Today is your day to own your earthly kingdom. And remember- With great power comes great responsibility (Stan Lee, Spider-Man).

April 14th, 2012 - Saturday - Fortune

Can you feel it? The wheel of life is being put in motion today. Now is the time to TAKE A RISK. The universe is listening. And remeber- weave your shift today with balance, humor, the willingness to destroy patterns, purity of intent, and the knowledge that it may not look quite the way you expected in the end.......... but it will be what is indicated.

Friday, April 13, 2012

April 13th, 2012 - Friday - Disappointment

Today your life is a disappointment... your relationships... but that's not a bad thing. Sometimes it is a good idea to see through the illusions of your life, and nurse that discontent. There is a reason you are disappointed... and it's better to be aware of it and deal with it than to 'pretend' everything is okay. Dive into your disappointment today.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12th, 2012 - Thursday - The Sun

YEAH! Had a little Oppression, yeah, some Ruin, throw in some Cruelty... and then today the sun shines on and through you and gratitude pours out of you like Niagra Falls. The gates are open and the authentic you is pouring out. Boast of your goodness, glory in your creation, and rest in your open heart.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11th, 2012 - Wednesday - Oppression

So we move from the 10 of Swords yesterday to the 10 of Wands (energy) today. Oppression. Yeah! We are on a dark road lately. Lord willing, we'll ease open in this turbulent time. Saturn says hello to Sag...ittarius. Planets and stars touch each other through mystical mumbo jumbo, or through energies and gravity, and they say hello to your dreamstate warrior today. Something is holding us down. The Ruin card suggests it's our fears... and why wouldn't it be our fears? Our MIND is fragmenting, no nice way to say it other than that, and today our ENERGY is fragmenting, and we are getting ready to bust out of dodge. There is some serious breakdown here. I suggest you ramp up the insanity of the moment, the ruinous energy and stab at your fear . Take a stab. Go into it and kill it. You have some energy, the breakdown is providing that, no doubt, so today... go into your fear. Find it. Shine the light on it. Write it out. Write down your fears, put them on paper, and look at them. SEE THEM. That will kill them. Otherwise Saturn and Sagittarius are going to have a devastating party with Gemini in your heart/mind/body and things are going to go to hell. Pray to God you can SEE through this right now.

April 10th, 2012 - Tuesday - Ruin

So... what is the universe trying to tell us on Tuesdays? Ruin again. Hm.... How can we let the pain we are feeling reveal where we are stuck? Where ARE we stuck? We are getting fragmented here. God trying to tell us something... if you will... what is it? Follow the fear. Follow the pain. The yellow brick road of pain will lead to the wizard behind the curtain, and once you see him clearly, you can kill him and click your heels and move on to the next adventure.

April 9th, 2012 - Monday - Queen of Disks

Queen of Disks - Take care of yourself AND others today... the Queen is watching you, and your heart is extended toward practically helping others... but don't forget to take care of yourself as well.

April 8th, 2012 - Sunday - The Magus Trickster

The Magus, Trickster - There is deceit swirling around you today.... just be aware of how you are deceiving yourself...

April 7th, 2012 - Saturday - Cruelty

Mars meets Gemini and all hell breaks loose... malicious ichor pours through your thoughts as you demand to be right! Charging into battle with your righteous indignation you can slay dragons today. ...Remember we are celebrating Easter... Christ was slain yesterday... perhaps today your response to that cataclysmic event is a mix of a sorry and fantatical desire to strike back... ah... let it go.... let it die... you know something in your heart... you know tomorrow is another day... your desire for revenge vs your desire for compassion is at war... interesting energy to play with today.

Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6th, 2012 - Friday - Princess of Cups

Pieces enters into the mystical dream of romance and compassion. Sweet dreamy flittering magic entices you to let go on this Friday and push your dreams through your body in a slow dance of pleasure.

April 5th, 2012 - Thursday - Worry

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Looking through the lens back at the day, was it Abundant? Mercury spoke to your home life and said: Be safe... be heard... there is a flow here for you... come and get it, open your heart and receive it...

Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2nd, 2012 - Monday - Oppression

Opening the week with this Saturn Sagittarius combination can feel like the pressure is building, the dam is bulging with energy, and you just want to break out, rip open, tear apart... urgg... the dam could explode and sweep a part of your self esteem with it... so be warn to take care of your dreams... don't let the explosion be an implosion....

April 1st, 2012 - Sunday - Virtue

Pure, balanced, subtle power today that speaks VOLUMES as it is being pushed forth from roots of integrity, generosity, and kindness.