Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11th, 2012 - Wednesday - Oppression

So we move from the 10 of Swords yesterday to the 10 of Wands (energy) today. Oppression. Yeah! We are on a dark road lately. Lord willing, we'll ease open in this turbulent time. Saturn says hello to Sag...ittarius. Planets and stars touch each other through mystical mumbo jumbo, or through energies and gravity, and they say hello to your dreamstate warrior today. Something is holding us down. The Ruin card suggests it's our fears... and why wouldn't it be our fears? Our MIND is fragmenting, no nice way to say it other than that, and today our ENERGY is fragmenting, and we are getting ready to bust out of dodge. There is some serious breakdown here. I suggest you ramp up the insanity of the moment, the ruinous energy and stab at your fear . Take a stab. Go into it and kill it. You have some energy, the breakdown is providing that, no doubt, so today... go into your fear. Find it. Shine the light on it. Write it out. Write down your fears, put them on paper, and look at them. SEE THEM. That will kill them. Otherwise Saturn and Sagittarius are going to have a devastating party with Gemini in your heart/mind/body and things are going to go to hell. Pray to God you can SEE through this right now.

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