Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31st, 2012 - Thursday - Princess of Wands

May 31st, 2012 - Thursday - Princess of Wands -Sweet fiery Sagittarius takes the tiger by the tail... she might be over promising and can't deliver, or she might just have that tiger by the tail and she might just make her dreams come true . She is dancing with a slumbering giant, his fire seemingly quelled, curled into his little ball, he sleeps... or does he.  You are playing with fire.  This can be a good thing... or it can get out of hand.  Beauty an and power can be enchanting... but it can also be deceiving....

More - by Jennie Stanchfield

“More, more” she cries….
“There is no more” he says.
“Please” she begs.
“No” he replies.
“But why” she moans.
“The glass has trickled to empty” he answers.
“What now?” she asks.
“You die” he whispers.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30th, 2012 - Wednesday - Death

May 30th, 2012 - Wednesday - Death - Shake, Rattle and Roll.  We are caught up.  This is today's card, and it's a big one.  You started a pure spiritual quest and today it leads you to Death.  As... ALL journeys lead.  The ultimate spiritual quest is the discovery of death in yourself.  Memento mori.  Remember you must die.  Make Death your best friend.  Today, there are ways you are resisting Death. STILL. There further to go....

Here is a poem by my woman, Jennie

One breath closer
One step nearer
One day less
Live your life as if it is terminal
It is.

May 29th, 2012 - Tuesday - Knight of Cups

May 29th, 2012 - Tuesday - Knight of Cups - The Spiritual Quest begins.... with PURITY OF INTENT.

May 28th, 2012 - Monday - The Hanged Man

May 28th, 2012 - Monday - The Hanged Man

May 27th, 2012 - Sunday - The Fool

May 27th, 2012 - Sunday - The Fool - Marked by a crazy willingness to leap and keep going.  Facing death, starting a new journey, moving slow, but then going all the way.  

May 26th, 2012 - Truce

May 26th, 2012 - Truce - All the change started to create a balance, and then an imbalance, and then an balance.  It was like dancing on the edge of sword.  The danger and the power came together in a point to be used for dark and savory purposes.

May 25th, Friday - Change

May 25th, Friday - Change - I took the Memorial Day Weekend off from cards, so we are going back and filling in for you the energies that influenced your weekend.  We started with the Change card which in hindsight (and be careful of hindsight bias) was very insightful.  I think I CHANGED more this weekend than I might have any previous in my life.  Earth shattering changes.  

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24th, 2012 - Thursday - Queen of Cups

May 24th, 2012 - Thursday - Queen of Cups - This is a day marked by your intuition and empathy. Today you can feel others... so today you need to feel and respond, but also be careful not to get dragged down by someone's painful experience.  You could hurt in your body today.  This is so watery, so emotional.  It might be good to take a little alone time today.  Get away from 'people' and their psychic resonance.  Then go back into the mix and feel others again.  Respond with love, no matter what pain they are feeling, (and you will feel it too today, in your body).

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23rd, 2012 - Wednesday - Virtue

May 23rd, 2012 - Wednesday - Virtue - The Sun and Aries come together and form Virtue.  Deal... justly today.  Be serious.  Be generous.  Be Kind.  Today you are where you need to be, you are 'good'... and so with clarity move forward.  In the saddle so to speak, settle down, know you are intuitively correct, so keep let others see your justice and your sincerity.  Ride on.

May 22nd, 2012 - Tuesday - Queen of Disks

My Queen rules yet again.  Take time to play today.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21st, 2012 - Monday - Princess of Disks

May 21st, 2012 - Monday - Princess of Disks - Capricorn comes dancing through the forest with her scepter and her disk.  Her belly is swollen with new life.  She is the earth mother, giving birth from the fertile soil of our appearing world.  Today: SURRENDER to your dreams.  You want something... you have conceived it and now it's going... oh yeah.... now it's GROWING.  And once that has started there is a natural process that needs to take place.  A process that is from the earth itself.  You plant the seed, water the soil, but the earth turns that little seed into a mighty oak tree.  Stand back and let that part happen.  Surrender.  Get out of the way of the Mighty Oak sprouting from your heart.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 19th, 2012 - Saturday - Prince Wands

May 19th, 2012 - Saturday - Prince Wands - Fire and Air ignite into passionate flame... or not.  Why? Why not?  Just a warning.  A small little warning to take things slow. Breathe deep down into your lower body and make absolutely sure this is the right move (whatever exciting exploding bursting passionate thing you were about to do).  You might NOT be seeing the entire frame.

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18th, 2012 - Friday - Prudence

May 18th, 2012 - Friday - Prudence - After yesterday's brutal day of futility we need a little PATIENCE.  Money worries you?  Of course it does, yesterdays futility was BIG.  A sign is on the wall however, painted by whatever angels run this crazy universe, and there in bold letters it says: Be careful with your money, be dare I say Prudent, and the issue will get resolved.  Step. Step. Step.  Walk slowly.  Take it all in.  Step. Step.  Step. Shuffle if you like.  It's Friday... work it out.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17th, 2012 - Thursday - Futility

May 17th, 2012 - Thursday - Futility - No risk... no reward... but that's not what your ego is telling you.   Yes... the ego is trying to protect you.  When you fail, when you fall, when you stumble, it hurts, it is embarrassing, and it sucks.  So the mind is saying, let me help you: "The situation is pert near hopeless!  Give yourself up!"  There you go!  Wisdom!  You can't win ANYWAY, so why bother?  Save yourself the grief and the pain and the suffering.  Or...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16th, 2012 - Wednesday- Hierophant

May 16th, 2012 - Wednesday - The winds of change are ushering in something new however there is a solid core of static energy that wants to remain unmoved. What in your environment, your household, your herd is keeping you from dancing with this new energy?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15th, 2012 - Tuesday - The Sun

May 15th, 2012 - Tuesday - The Sun - The highest YES card in the deck... the big positive, everything going your way...  but what does that really mean and how can you sink into a card like this?  As you feel into the sun, are you living your dream?  Is there a dream FOR YOU?  Purpose can be multi layered, but when the universe applauds all your searching by letting you know, YES... there IS something else out there, and YES it is something different than what you are doing.  Warp and weft, weavings tie us all together, but today pull at that one loose thread and unravel your tightly knit focus.  Unravel yourself, and discover what your dream really is and what you were REALLY meant for.  Go on a journey as far away as you can... you might not come back... but that's okay.  Go for it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14th, 2012 - Monday - Success

May 14th, 2012 - Monday - Success - A fullness wells up within you today as you do what you intend to do.  You suddenly realize no matter how far away from real this is, you are going to be successful.

May 13th, 2012 - Sunday - Queen of Wands

May 13th, 2012 - Sunday - Queen of Wands -  A fitting card for the sacred mother.  This queen demands and receives respect, admired for the goddess she is, but is ever aware of the potential power she barely contains within her seething sphere.  The static ground around her is hard and solid, but what bubbles underneath but primal dynamic fire?  And when the cool waters rush in... This mother knows her power, to destroy and to rule... and she receives her respect today.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12th, 2012 - Saturday - The Hanged Man

May 12th, 2012 - Saturday - The Hanged Man - Ah... someone is being crucified, and it's probably YOU.  You were off yesterday, no longer the queen, and today you are going to feel bad about it and really make yourself suffer.  The cross is one of the archetypes of suffering in our subconsciousness.  The problem here, is that you are the one crucifying yourself.  Sometimes you want to get really poetic as you write these cards, but sometimes you just want to say it plainly:  Let go.  You are holding on and torturing yourself and those around you.  LET GO.  Stop thinking. Your mind is TRYING TO KILL YOU.  Get out, move, be creative, paint, do anything that you know works for you that will get you to stop building that cross.  Let go... simple yet effective.  Let go.

May 11th, 2012 - Friday - Queen of Disks

May 11th, 2012 - Friday - Queen of Disks - Catching up on yesterday's card!  Normally the Queen of the Land, today you were spinning out of control.  Your mind was not working correctly, you were not in control of yourself. You needed to get out, to get away, and move this anxiety out of you.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10th, 2012 - Thursday - Change

May 10th, 2012 - Thursday - Change - Boring old Change.  The fabric of the feminine as it weaves through this appearing world... signals the inevitable...  the time is now.  Patterns reveal choice points, make your move now or forget it.  Or... as my dear sweet Mom used to say to me: "Shit or get off the pot."  Time to let go of your fear and just dive into the abyss.  It will kill you... eventually... but it will take you to not a few fantastic places before it heartlessly rends you.  Open to the earth swallowing you up and regurgitating you as something new. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9th, 2012 - Wednesday - The Universe

May 9th, 2012 - Wednesday - The Universe....  the culmination of the path of trumps.  Endings and beginnings.  Your goals have been achieved today and you must start to look forward to new beginnings.  In a swirl of congratulations...enjoying your moment, shedding your old skin, slithering out as a reborn snake, see the possibilities of the entire universe before you.  Dance with the divine.  It takes hard work to build something, and all we build is destined to be destroyed except for those few rare transcendent creations...  there was once a single point to universe, it exploded and became a jumbled mass of stuff.... but that random chance, that chaos... began to transcend... one universe card at a time, and things came together that chance or chaos in limited time could never have achieved.  We are destined for death and destruction, yet we are part of transcendence... can be.... can be part of it when we let go of our ego and dare to dream...  Open through all things.  Open through endings and beginnings, open before you were born and after you are gone.  There is only one.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8th, 2012 - Tuesday - Knight of Disks

May 8th, 2012 - Tuesday - Dear Prudence... meet the Knight of Disks. Today his patience pays off with practical dependability. He is Taurus, the bull moving toward his goals, surveying his kingdom with his scepter and his power, a king, confident of his land and his people, but obviously enjoying every second of this all to brief moment in the sun.

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7th- Monday- Prudence. From Sorrow yesterday to Prudence. There is some room to breathe today. A light coming through, a tender inhale and exhale. A new energy has been released and will grow quietly. Cultivate this new energy and allow it to manifest fully in it's own time.

May 6th-Sunday- Sorrow.The snakes of wisdom are being silenced by an overriding energy of emotional rot and decay. Mental energy is swirling in a desperate loop. Remember, that this is a mind card. Sorrow and depression are in the mind even though they manifest so loudly in the body. Breathe today, cry today, dance today, run until your heart wants to leap out of your chest. Love today. Love even though it hurts and it will pass.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 5th, 2012 - Saturday - Swiftness

May 5th, 2012 - Saturday - Swiftness - The card of COMMUNICATION.  Sharpen your skills today, you'll need to repeatedly communicate with people today and it will be a necessity and a challenge, so focus on your words and movements carefully, each little thing will convey huge amounts of information.

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4th, 2012 - Friday - The Fool

May 4th, 2012 - Friday - The Fool - Starting something new?  On a Friday?  I have another personal story for you today:  I was talking with a friend about our journey in life, and we were talking about a shared sense of beginning, willingness, of waiting.  The universe has called, we have jumped, and now we are hanging in the air... waiting... waiting... for that completion.... And as I was talking about this very sensation with my friend, I pulled the Fool Card.  You can see the fellow has already jumped.  His feet are in the air.  It's a new beginning, it's a yes, it's a take a risk, but it's already happened.  You have already started it... and today, this glorious Friday, you may be hanging... hanging in the air, looking down and wondering where you are going to land.  All I can say is, that's how I feel right now, and it's definitely an adventure!  Don't mind the waiting. You have jumped.  What is going to happen will happen. Destiny will call.  You are willing. You are a fool for love, and it will all work out.  But today... your jump is hanging in the air and you'll just have to just hang there and be good with not knowing where you will eventually land. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3rd, 2012 - Thursday - Defeat

May 3rd, 2012 - Thursday - Defeat - True story: I was sitting here enjoying the early morning quiet, a feeling of joy and awe seeping through me... I grabbed the cards and shuffled... shuffle shuffle shuffle... and felt a flow of goodness and joy.  Mostly, gratitude.  I laid out the cards, quietly excited to pull a card and share it.  As I reached for the cards... a thought hit me:  "What if I'm doing the wrong thing?  What if I'm making a mistake?  What if I'm screwing up?"  The thought was sudden, sharp, and irritating.  I was filled with such open heartedness, raw, bare, and this THOUGHT came from nowhere.  I tried to shrug it off... no one was going to destroy the flow of goodness I felt.  So I reached, grabbed a card... and pulled the DEFEAT card!  I can't explain the Defeat card in any better way than the story above.  It is that THOUGHT.  It is sometimes considered a psychic attack card, meaning someone else is sending you the negative whoju, but if you look at the pictures you can also see the swords are bending down to a point.  It's your mind bending against you.  The Defeat card is that energy of my mind that took a beautiful, open hearted, painfully sweet gratitude, and suddenly had to stain it with worry, with negativity.This was an AWESOME experience for me to have this morning, and I must say I'm grateful for it, as disdainful as it was, but I share it with you today, so that you and I both can see how our minds are going to try and defeat us today with little thoughts... "What if I'm doing the wrong thing?  What if I'm making a mistake?  What if I'm...gasp... screwing up?"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2nd, 2012 - Wednesday - Science

Good morning Mercury!  Hello Aquarius.  Knowledge.  It will all be clear today.  The mud in the water has settled and you'll see clearly what needs to be learned, done, and accepted.

May 1st, 2012 - Tuesday - Prince of Swords

Make sure your ideas are followed through on today.