Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week of ~ March 3rd 2013 to March 9th 2013 ~ Aeon

Week of ~ March 3rd 2013 to March 9th 2013 ~ Aeon ~
How apropos......last week was the tumult of the Tower card and this week is a week to step out of the ashes into what is truly intended. This week you will be gaining a certain level of discernment about what is going on around you. You are incorporating information on a deeper level that had once resided purely in your head. This allows more range of intuition and more capacity to follow your instincts instead of whirling around in your mind trying to find a foothold.
The other aspect of this card is on the physical plane. As we slowly begin to approach a change in season our bodily discernment is awakened. Certain feelings, habits, thoughts, and emotions are unearthed with this change just as they are every year. Amazing how the body can store memory and not just the mind.

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