Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29th, 2013 - Monday - Victory

July 29th, 2013 - Monday - Victory - Jupiter and Leo lead us to VICTORY!  Abundance and Power become balanced for you.  Challenges... challenges... challenges...

You are going to win...  you will have balance in your energetic fields.  Challenges have come and gone, momentum swings, and you are learning that navigating through those down moments, navigating through the up moments is the key to victory.

Things will look decided unvictory like today at one point... you'll keep going... and you'll win because of it.  Unity will suffuse you..
Don't minimize the victories you have had.  They are HUGE.  You DID win. There are new possibilities.  Each little step was a victory of it's own...  Feel the sweetness.  Feel the enjoyment.  Feel infused with one little victory at a time.

All this is leading to freedom and shedding of layers and purity of intent.  

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