Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16th, 2013 - Monday - The Devil

September 16th, 2013 - Monday - The Devil - The devil rules over the concepts of temptation and obsession.  

Are you succumbing to temptation?  If you are, what are you tempted by?  The card suggest you could lose EVERYTHING if you succumb.  What is driving this destruction? Neediness.  Some deep unhealed aspect of your human ego.  Wow... it's real deep and dramatic.  The card suggests you know what is right and what is wrong, but you are driving toward destruction with the knife of justification swathing the way!  You have a true nature... maybe... and you in conflict with it.  Or there is a true path, the no self wants what it wants, the golden freedom, and the goddess admits defeat only after you kill your ego. Then beaten, she becomes your utter slave.  Or are you going to be her slave and do what she wants?  And kills you and grinds you into meat and dust and darkness?  What is the truth?

There is only one truth.  One.  Emptiness.  No Self.  Death.  So look around and ask yourself what is this all about? This Temptation?

Yehudda Berg said today: Life is meant to be lived.  If Death is the only truth, nothingness, one, then what is this card tell you?  It's telling you that temptation is part of life.  Fuck it.  Right?  Or are you going to leave for the mountain cave like a Monk?  Or is it just the story of a man or a woman tempted to have sex with someone who fills their empty childhood damage and in doing so loses everything, marriage, family, etc.  Is that YOUR story?  

Or is there a bigger temptation between life and death?  I thought I would die last night. I didn't.  I am alive this morning.  My intuition was wrong. I'm alive.  Life is to be lived.  But where are you going to go with it? What does the flow of right action want? IS THERE EVEN SUCH A THING?  Maybe that's the first assumption we should really question.  Leaving church and God and prophets, we trade their control for the control of the universe in the form of the Flow of Right action, or the Goddess.  What the fuck?  What is the difference?

The shadow is stalking me. I've got no problem with that.  I live in the shadow, I embrace the shadow.  I'm not stranger to death and darkness and shadow.  Give up and surrender, dive in and screw anything till all is lost, and then see what you have left.  Take everything away from yourself... and see what is left.

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