February 28th, 2014 ~ Friday ~ Gain ~
I told you. You can't say I didn't tell you. This week is not going to let us pass until we make a shift. So yes, ladies and gents, here we are again, pulling the same cards we pulled earlier in the week. Big smile or big sigh.....let's recap. The week of Indolence (stuckness) started with the Death/Snake cards, then moved to the Power/Scarlet Macaw cards on Tuesday, Gain/Bear cards on Wednesday, and the Death/Badger cards on Thursday. And here we are, once again with a slightly different but slightly the same combo of Gain/Snake cards for Friday. Phew!
So what is the grand dame, ye' ol' mighty and vast universe telling us now? It is telling us that we have begun to find a smidgen of movement in this week of swampy goodness. It is also telling us that if we sustain this movement, this wiggle, this tiny wriggle that we have going on we will start to create more space in our life. And with more space comes new energy. And with new energy comes a rebirthing of one sort or another. No one is saying this is easy and I am sure their are moments that "movement" feels like the last thing you want to do, but do it anyway. Bring energy to the area in your life you have been wanting to flesh out and plump up. Bring focus to that project you know will be successful, if you just had a little more time. But let's be honest, we are not going to get more time......so do it now.
Once again the snake is a great reminder when dealing with bringing in fresh energy. Snakes shed their old skin only to be "reborn" with a new skin, a new form. Snakes are also quick and agile which is a reminder that now is the time to act. Now is the time to pull your deep down, grounded energy and make mountains move.