Okay, so in order to have good sexual yoga, there are THINGS you need to do. Here they are:
It is all about PROACTIVELY creating the channels day and night so the light can flow. This is very much like Kaballah. You ACT on something, and then this ALLOWS the light to enter. So if you WANT a deep open relationship, you want that magical LIGHT, then you have to PROACTIVELY act. Without that you create no space for the light!!!
1. Sit with a straight spine
2. Breathe energy in a circlur pattern.
3. Open heart
4. Soft Belly
5. Soft Throat
So EVERY Yoga in life you want to learn and receive (light) has a set of necessary disciplinary activities!
Now there are NO disciplinary activities for realizing God.
The key of understanding here is that a lot of people FEEL INTO GOD, and realize him... and the result of that connection is to DO something with your life. The flow then directs you in Proactive things. And... and... this is where people falter. They felt God and they think that is enough!
It's not. Then to create the life in your life you have to proactively do things!!!!!! This is the Kaballah. This is Deida's teaching.
You open and feel God, and your heart is soft, and it's all being in the moment and it's just wonderful. But then God says (the flow of right action) okay, now DO THIS. And it doesn't matter if makes sense or not, (others may think you are insane, and the Kaballah says to expect this). But you DO IT. You proactively do the discipline. The knowledge comes. You have realized God. Now do it.
In a personal relationship, you felt the magic, it opened you up, and then you were given the disciplinary actions necessary to deepen and widen that relationship. In other words, opening to God I was led to Jennie, and that was great. But that isn't done. Now I have been told to DEEPEN and WIDEN that relationship. Keep going into it into it. This is what I've been told when I opened to God and let him flow through me. This was level three.
So level three was to deepen this relationship. And this is what the flow says. But realizing God I only needed to BE. Realizing Jennie I only needed to BE. And both of us did. We just WERE, and we both felt it. Then God said, okay, now that you have turned your life over to me and the flow, this is what you need to do to DEEPEN that relationship. You need DISCIPLINE and you need to do certain things.
That is the hard part for us. Not for everyone. Others are more doers, and have a hard time doing the right thing.
This is cool. Deep down I know that Jennie and I are suppose to deepen this relationship. Don't know where it will go from there, but that is the flow, and I am CERTAIN of it. We just need to do the disciplinary things necessary to open that love. And how do we know what to do? The flow will tell us and bring others into our lives to give us hints. Do the flow and develop the discipline in our relationship and experience the deep love and open heart transcendence.
David goes on to say that it takes a lot of work to create the depth in whatever form God's realization inside of you pushes you. Anyone can dance. Anyone can paint. Anyone can have a relationship. But it takes a lot to make that relationship, that dance, that painting a MASTERY. To make it THAT GOOD.
No matter how enlightened we are... we are not a professional dancer to channel that. There are lots of enlightened people who can't dance, can't fuck, and don't earn money.
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