Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 22nd, Wednesday - Cruelty

Today we pulled a sword, which is predominantly in the mind. Thoughts. And in the Tarot, thoughts are almost always bad. Really. We try to learn to do as much intuition as possible, and as little thinking as possible. There are all sorts of ways to do this, but it almost always starts with breathing and quieting the mind.

So Cruelty? What does this card mean, besides being cruel. Before we elaborate too much, can you guess who is being cruel to who? The Tarot always looks within. So you are probably going to be cruel to yourself in some way today, cruel with your thoughts.

Some words that come to mind with the Cruelty card are these: Agony. Worry. Loss. Illness. Hopelessness. Despair. suffering. Burden. Malice. Pain. Oppression. Shame.

The Darkness! Jesus Christ, that's a tough card, isn't it? GRIN! The Angels of Cruelty and Suffering lord over this Card. Are there such angels? Who knows, but there are definitely ENERGIES of Cruelty and Suffering.

One great thing to look for is how are you being passive aggressive? Sometimes you get this card and you say I'm not being openly mean or cruel, to myself or others. But where you miss it is where you don't see the little petty cruel passive aggressive shit you pull.

It is also possible... that you are punishing yourself for supposed misdeeds. Open your heart today and spend some serious time LOOKING at what this card means in YOUR LIFE, for ONE DAY.

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