Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14th, 2012 - Thursday - Knight of Disks

June 14th, 2012 - Thursday - Knight of Disks - So yesterday was ruinous and that turned out to be a good thing. The friction is real, and we're breaking through old realities into something fresh and not just a little painful. So where do you go from being so stuck? The fires have burned the forest and now... the forest has a few shoots that are poking their heads up. We have endured the ruin to our advantage, opening through it, and now, today, we get this message: One day at a time. Bring your family together in appreciation, and take a step. Just one little shoot growing in a previously ravaged landscape.  -Personally, I enjoyed the ruin yesterday and thought YES, how can I drive through that ruin and break out of this reality?  I need more money, I need more freedom, I embrace Death, I embrace my insanity.  BUT what do I get the next day?  HUH?  Knight of Disks, plodding, appreciative, and one day at a time.  FUCK.  The Tarot has a sense of humor, that's all there is to it.

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