Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18th, 2013 - Friday - Truce

January 18th, 2012 - Friday - Truce - A call to balance.  You are out of balance. You might owe more money than you can pay.  Balance is coming, and the call is to let go and let it come.  Things will even out.  The winds are rocking this Friday, back and forth, and you'll be tossed, and if you surrender the winds will magically keep you upright.  Fight and you will lose your balance.  This will seem counter intuitive today.  You've asked the universe for what you need.  That statement was clear, and it was heard, and it was received   Today, the urge to think and pursue and set things in balance will be strong.  Resist that urge and just trust.  The universe heard you.  It received it.  You said it perfectly.  Now the winds blow and you let go and you will magically be held aloft and sailed into new and better waters.

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