Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 4th, 2014 ~ Friday ~ Satiety

April 4th, 2014 ~ Friday ~ Satiety ~

I cannot tell you how giddy I was when I got the Horse as today's animal guide. And yes....the Satiety card is pretty fabulous too. We have allowed the creative juices to sluice, flow, spill, and perhaps rage this week without any egoic restrictions. And what is the result? You have blown open a channel or two that will allow for long term movement in your life. Energy channels can be like arteries carrying life blood to the far reaches of our bodies. If we do not rigorously push our cardiovascular system, our arteries can become constricted. Similarly, if you do not work at opening energy channels, they too will become constricted and hardened.

As we blew open our creative energy channels this week we have allowed for more freedom and movement in our lives. And this is symbolized by the Horse. The Horse is the ultimate expression of freedom in movement, and not just any movement, powerful, unbridled, forward movement. Have you ever seen a horse at full speed? Not only is it pure beauty in motion but that freight train momentum is the Horse's natural-born right on this planet. Nothing is more tragic than a Horse that cannot be as powerful and magical as it's nature demands.

Today is the day for using that head of creative steam you have built up to blast through any barriers you may have around reaching your true potential. As you do this, however, remember to stay balanced in the areas of food, play, and rest. We cannot survive at 90 miles per hour all the time, but today is a day to go full throttle.

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