Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 5th, 6th 2014 ~ Saturday - Sunday ~ Hermit and Wealth ~

April 5th, 6th 2014 ~ Saturday - Sunday ~ Hermit and Wealth ~

It is a two card weekend, Ladies and Gents. The Hermit card and the Wealth card are ruling the roost as we finish up the week. Throughout this week we were tasked with engaging our creative side, our dreams and deepest yearnings, and to do so without any expectations or hooks. As we move into the weekend it is time to get quiet and feel the ripples and movement you created in your life this week. Energies have been shuttled around and there is more space for the next thing to come swooping in.

The Scarlet Macaw is a great example for the weekend. Scarlet Macaws are highly intelligent and perceptive birds. There is very little that can slip by them unnoticed. This weekend, you too, need to tune into the internal workings and mutterings that are going on inside your body and mind. As you do so you will find new abundance and perhaps discover that you have been delivered onto a new and more exciting playing field in life.

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