Thursday, August 21, 2014

August 21st, 2014 - Thursday - Princess of Wands

August 21st, 2014 - Thursday - Princess of Wands - In the Egyptian Culture there is a Goddess with a Capitol G... her name is ISIS.  She is the Goddess of Everything and she reminds us that the masculine power on this earth depends wholly and completely on women.  Men... are birthed by women... men are then nurtured by women... they are mothered, and then later inspire by them as lovers and soul mates.  Further... men's only hope at immortality lies in the children women bear them.

With this in mind... let us ask Isis... our Goddess of Everything for help today. The Princess of Wands shows our feminine power, fire and instinct to dive into things, to grab that tiger by the tail and head off with our wand and make magic. As we say YES to that... to set fire to our universe and dive in fully... let us ask Isis, our 'heavenly mother' to assist us in our quest. She awaits our call.  

I would suggest you make your request into a magical and creative act...  You can't go overboard approaching her... trust me...

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