Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fortune Card

Today after my Feminine energy blast I went and had lunch with Jennie! That was really nice to see her feeling better from being sick. I then came back and pulled the Fortune CARD. UPSIDE DOWN.

This is one of the Trumps, 10th one actually. Let's see what it says:

Angels of Change and Challenge!

This is funny because as you focus on the feminine, that energy source in the universe IS change. It's just always changing. And for the masculine to GET it is to ACCEPT CHANGE. Nothing is going to stay the same. In 100 years we will be dead. In 10 years, I'll be older and slower. I might be wiser, but I will change. All my relationships are doomed to end in death at some point. My friends, my pets, my lover, my children. All of us will be separated by death and change some day. (We might also be reunited by death, but that's another story!).

It is time to make a decision. Change is NOW. Now is the time to DO IT. A leap of faith! This might even be that Indiana Jones time! Emotionally this is where creativity comes to life. Energy is in alignment with matter. Spiritually it is to allow MAGIC TO HAPPEN and CHANGE YOUR LIFE. LET IT HAPPEN! It's flowing so stop fighting it. Time to GO WITH THE FLOW.

I am willing to choose new experiences! I'm ready to get off the wheel I've been spinning on for so long, and see where the new one leads me. Off on to another adventure! Risk! Taking! Go for it!

BUT... the card was reversed... My timing.. might be a little off. Risk might be too high! I might not have the skills I think I possess! This could be true! It might be about going for a quick fix, so I think you should take your time and relax into it. Stop and check to see if doing this activity is to prove a point instead of what is right.

Be careful about being decieved by others as well . Know your boundaries!

All great things require some risk. Create a strategy, plan it out, then jump. I can't know all the outcomes! If I did life would be boring.

Take my television away and rediscover how much tie I really have when not trying to escape from reality. Spend time with Jennie tonight just being with her directly, instead of indirectly watching Tv.

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