Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday, November 17th 2009

So how are things going? Did you have a good Thanksgiving? This morning I pulled a card, as did Jennie. Her card was way more interesting than mine, but I'm going to talk about mine first. I pulled the Satiety card! The 10 of Cups! Cups is emotion!

This is the long term success card. This is the good stuff. You have arrived, you are ready, the fruit is in your grasp. You see this card you say now, relax, take it, enjoy it. It may mean change is coming, and has been surrounding you and is an affirmation to you that... YOU ARE READY FOR IT!!! God bless!
Jennie got the defeat card, and you can read all about that card and her interpretations of it and how it relates to her life at

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