Friday, May 3, 2013

May 3rd, 2013 – Friday – Completion

May 3rd, 2013 – Friday – Completion

Friday is here and we get the completion card.  Anyone can tell you that Friday is a good completion card day.  You don’t need an opinionated psychic armchair philosopher to tell you that today… you are COMPLETE.  Or getting there. 

One of my teachers talks a bit about never being complete.  We might fulfill certain duties, we might complete a project, or perform our purpose… but we are never actually complete.

So the question, as always, bounced back to you:  What is incomplete in your life?  Knowing you will never be fully complete… what do you do anyways?  This obviously isn't about Friday….  My guess is that it’s something to do with a relationship.  There is some conflict in the arena, and it’s winding down… and it’s coming to completion… but not quite.

That’s my sense.   Inside all of us is a drive to do things. Much of that is biological of course.  I have to pee.  I am thirsty.  I have to pee again.  Another sense is emotional: Our need to belong and be loved by our tribe.  Neither of these ever become complete. I’ll always get hungry again.  I was loved yesterday, but that means nothing if I’m not loved today.  Life is a grind in this way… our basic needs, our childhood dents, just keep needing to be filled.

A teacher of mine told me I had to tell my woman I loved her every day.  Expressing this love to a woman’s soul was like mowing the lawn.  You are never done.  It grows back. You need to mow it again.  Hence you give love again.

See how this has flipped?  We started talking about what we needed for completion, but I've deftly turned it around to feeling into others for what they need for their ‘daily’ completion.  Is the house clean?  That makes my wife happy. In the moment.  Complete… for a bit. Until it gets dirty again. 

And yet is not everything complete in the moment?  Love is here right now, at this moment, and it may appear as various shades of inscrutability… but it’s still here.  We are still one.   I know when I settle into the effervescent moment and let everything be, then things are complete.  Sure… there is still the lawn to be mowed, there is still love to be given, there is still work to be done… but the moment can be complete when you dissolve through it and open your heart in the doing.  This takes practice of course, but it can be done, even little by little.

Is there such a place called Done?  Death comes to mind, but before that… can you figure it all out, and get to Done?  Some say such a place exists, but that to get there takes such a huge amount of energy, like a Rocket taking off and escaping the Earth’s gravitational pull, that it doesn't happen often.  Well if you are reading this, you aren't done.  You are still firing all thrusters and trying to break out.  You will break out, or down, and die… but for now as the rocket rumbles and the earth peels away below you… take a moment to open your heart and feel out into the completeness of this moment.  Love now.  Don’t wait.  Enjoy the ride!

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