April 1st, 2014 ~ Tuesday ~ Ace of Swords~
As we continue on with our week of "no strings attached" creative energy, the Ace of Swords is letting us know that on some level we are trying to attach earthly meaning and significance to our dreams, desires, yearnings, and flow. This is a sign that we are not letting go and allowing effortless movement to occur. It is human nature to try to anchor ethereal inklings and inspiration and assign purpose to the delicate intuitions that run through us, but today try to avoid this habit. Allow all your channels to sweep open and the universal flow to rush through, unimpeded.
The Ladybug is our animal totem in this day of uninterrupted opening. The Ladybug is a great example of allowing and facilitating abundance while eliminating pests and aggravations. Today, your biggest pest is going to be your own mind and ego. Facilitate your own creative abundance today by softening your ego. You may find that this allows some very interesting and fruitful messages to come through.